Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Setting Up my Blog for Travel

As my web hosting provider's blog software doesn't seem to work (don't get me started about their tech support...where my phone call got cut off midway through resolving the problem), I've opted to start one over here (at blogspot.com). We'll just see how this goes...

When I wake up tomorrow morning, it will be a scant 8 days until I set out on my vacation. Woo hoo! Unfortunately, at last check, my "to do" lists (one for home, one for work) run the risk of singlehandedly deforesting the planet. OK...they're just a couple of pages each. But they seem much longer. Especially the list for work. Then again, as I'm planning to be semi-available this trip (thanks to hopefully having a work-provided international BlackBerry), I don't have to be quite so concerned about tieing up all the loose ends.

With that...I'm headed for a date with my bed. That certainly is one downside to travel...missing my very comfortable bed! Yet my travel experiences have generally been worth the sacrifice.

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